The Book I Didn’t Know I Needed

The Book I Didn’t Know I Needed

At long last, Get What You Need is out in the world. GWYN, as I affectionately call it, has been lingering on the back burner of my mind through my haphazard publishing career. If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know I haven’t been a very “consistent”...
Boxing Day Books for FREE!

Boxing Day Books for FREE!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The original “Stuff your E-Reader Day” is back! I’m excited to join forces with over 2,000 romance authors to present a curated offering of free-for-a-limited-time romance ebooks! You can download these...
Bookstore Romance Day is August 17th!

Bookstore Romance Day is August 17th!

I’m excited to announce that I will be taking part in the 6th annual Bookstore Romance Day, with a signing on Saturday, August 17th from 1-3pm at Author’s Note bookstore in Medina, NY! August 17th will always hold a special day in my heart, as it was the...

Confessions of a School Book Fair Junkie

I can’t be the only one out there… I’m prepping for an appearance at a local event, billed as a “school book fair for grown-ups.” And can I tell you, the excitement is bringing back all sorts of nostalgia for those magical times in grade...

A Celebration of Friendship and Found Family

A writer friend and I began brainstorming a book series back in 2021. We’d been friends for about ten years at that point, having met while dropping our kids off at Hebrew school. Amanda is a “lucky stars” kind of friend – I cannot believe she dropped into my life...