Operation Organize Office!

OMG. Yesterday I began a somewhat overwhelming undertaking: organizing my office. Well, first I had to FIND my office. It’s been overtaken by oodles of obsolete and odd objects. The overtaking has made the undertaking obviously difficult. Oy. Take one house, add...

Noodles (inspired by Nate)

I’m thinking my earlier N post was a bit of a cop-out. It was a loong weekend, folks. Preceded by an even looonger week of “spring vacation” with various children not belonging to me running through my house. Easing back into work mode this morning,...


Yeah, feel free to click on the link and listen to 1/3 of moe.’s 40+ minute monster instrumental ode to MEAT as you read my M post. (Their guitarist was a vegan for many years at the point when they recorded this song, btw.) This is a born-again...

Library Lions

It’s National Library Week, April 8th – April 14th! So perfectly fitting to give my “L” love to those lovable literary lions that flank the regal steps of the New York Public Library. Have you ever seen one of these signs on the Thruway? Ever...