The Book I Didn’t Know I Needed

The Book I Didn’t Know I Needed

At long last, Get What You Need is out in the world. GWYN, as I affectionately call it, has been lingering on the back burner of my mind through my haphazard publishing career. If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know I haven’t been a very “consistent”...
Boxing Day Books for FREE!

Boxing Day Books for FREE!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The original “Stuff your E-Reader Day” is back! I’m excited to join forces with over 2,000 romance authors to present a curated offering of free-for-a-limited-time romance ebooks! You can download these...
Bookstore Romance Day is August 17th!

Bookstore Romance Day is August 17th!

I’m excited to announce that I will be taking part in the 6th annual Bookstore Romance Day, with a signing on Saturday, August 17th from 1-3pm at Author’s Note bookstore in Medina, NY! August 17th will always hold a special day in my heart, as it was the...

Confessions of a School Book Fair Junkie

I can’t be the only one out there… I’m prepping for an appearance at a local event, billed as a “school book fair for grown-ups.” And can I tell you, the excitement is bringing back all sorts of nostalgia for those magical times in grade...

A Celebration of Friendship and Found Family

A writer friend and I began brainstorming a book series back in 2021. We’d been friends for about ten years at that point, having met while dropping our kids off at Hebrew school. Amanda is a “lucky stars” kind of friend – I cannot believe she dropped into my life...

When is a book truly born?

Happy 10th birthday, you rockstar! September 17th is a date on the calendar that has a built-in familiarity to it, just as ingrained as my own birthday and those of my loved ones. While it is the day my debut novel Louder Than Love released into the world, I’ve...

A Fresh Pick…and a Sale! #readarockbook

Happy Rocktober, readers! I’m excited to announce that Softer Than Steel has been named a Fresh Pick by readers and reviewers at Fresh Fiction! “Style, substance, and sexiness!” Read Softer Than Steel’s Fresh Review Craving more of the Love...