An Ode to Obsolescence

Ah, the fabled abode tome. Today, I confront my address book. No, not the list of contacts generated within my various email accounts. I’m talking the old school, hardcore puppy. The one with actual information written in and scribbled out. If you’re over...
Of Mud and Blood

Of Mud and Blood

September is National ITP Awareness Month. I’ve known about this platelet disorder since 2005 when I was diagnosed with it (and I recently wrote about it here). But never have I been so keenly aware of my own lack of platelets than earlier this month after...

(School) Supply and Demand

There’s a nip in the air come nightfall, and the leaves are performing their annual drop-and-clog ritual into the swimming pool. Halloween candy is already in the supermarkets, so school must be right around the corner! As a kid, this was truly my favorite time...