Pictures & Words – Dictatorship

Taking a break from writing today to gather some eye candy – some of my favorite scenes from Dictatorship of the Dress inspired these Pictures & Words! Enjoy. Click each for full-size goodness!     As always, feel free to share but please do not crop or...

Heavy Metal Yoga Adventure in Atlanta

Ommmmm \m/ Metal Yoga. Laugh if you will. Say it defies logic and must defeat the purpose. Call it the mother of all oxymorons. You know what I call it? Freakin’ awesome. If you’re any kind of music fan, you must know that thrill – you know, that...

T is for… Tapers

For my T post in my A to Z journey through the Music Fan Connection, I thought I would tackle a topic of technology out of my typical realm: Tapers. While many bands prohibit fans from recording their live shows, other bands have made it part of their policy to...