U…review and recipe!

Hey, U! We’ve hit the 21st letter in the alphabet! Is everyone still hanging in there? It’s been a uniquely fun, unusually time-consuming blogging month…but I am so glad I signed up for the Blogging from A to Z Challenge. Now, onto the letter of the...

TRAINING to be a Dirty Girl

It’s official – I’m gonna do the Dirty Girl! Oh, get your mind out of the gutter – it’s a mud run! Three days ago, my fabulous foodie romance author pal Amanda Usen sent me the link for the run – there are 9 Dirty Girl events this...

Rock and Roll Riders

“But dude…it’s on our rider.” Ah yes, magic words in the music biz. What is this sacred document I speak of? A tour rider is a written set of requests or demands made by an artist prior to a performance. To ensure the comfort, safety and...

Q is for Quixotic

Quixotic: 1: foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals; marked by rash lofty romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action 2: capricious, unpredictable Etymology: From English: Quixote, a visionary, after Don Quixote, hero of a romance by Miguel de...