
    For a Coulrophobic (that’s someone who has a fear of clowns), I have a dirty little secret. I really enjoy jesters. Show me a clown and I’ll run for the hills. But put a jester in front of me and I smile. Not sure why that is. Maybe...


Idiopathic: an adjective used primarily in medicine meaning arising spontaneously or from an obscure or unknown cause. From Greek ἴδιος, idios (one’s own) + πάθος, pathos (suffering), it means approximately “a disease of its own kind”. “A...

Got Gray?

Going gray is a topic that immediately puts people on edge: many people consider it the universal sign of aging, or of ‘letting yourself go’. What if I were to tell you that there is a gray revolution going on out there, internationally, led by women of...

Friday Fact or Fiction Fun!

For “F”, I figured we could have a little fun. Some of you know me well, others not at all. But here are five fun flights o’ fancy for you to figure out: fact or fiction? First follower to get ’em all right by 5pm EST gets something fabulous!...