
        I’ll admit, I am enamoured (that’s enamored, for you Colonials) with ENGLAND. I’ve had a crush the size of the Two Fat Ladies on the Motherland, probably since I was old enough to Sing a Song of Six Pence. Who doesn’t love singing about...


38 seconds. That’s the time it takes from pushing the button on my Keurig to taking my first morning sip. I know this because I timed it. Yep – 38 seconds. That’s about as close to instant gratification (instant caffeinification?) as one can get....

B is for…Butterfly Kisses

Billions of blue blistering barnacles, it’s time for letter B! My friends were all betting I would jump at the opportunity to wax poetic about my favorite B in the whole world: Bruce. (For the uninformed, that’s Dickinson, not Springsteen.) But nah –...

April is the Coolest Month

Friends and followers be forewarned – there’s gonna be a whole lotta blogging going on in April. That’s right – I slayed NaNoWriMo, and now I am going to try my hand at the Blogging from A to Z Challenge! So beginning April 1st, I will wax...