All Hail the British Male!

Huzzah – the first draft of my book is officially complete! Its fate is completely unknown – it may live in the confines of my hard drive for eternity, or it may see the big wide world of published words – but I can do my victory dance knowing I...

Can YOU Say NaNoWriMo?

Don’t worry. My mouth had a hard time pronouncing it at first, too. But my brain knew from the minute it learned about National Novel Writing Month, it wanted to participate this year. For those of you unfamiliar with NaNoWriMo, it’s 30 days and nights of...

See Jess Type

While on a girlfriends’ getaway weekend this summer, I stumbled across this old typewriter in a consignment shop. Tears literally came to my eyes as the memories came to mind: Countless hours were spent as a teen hammering away on my old black Underwood (which...

I’ll Blog When I’m Dead

Are you shocked that I’ve jumped on the bandwagon (blogwagon?) and started this here page? Me too. Seriously. I barely have time to sleep, let alone BLOG. Plus, who wants to hear my muttered musings? My cat and my kid have both learned to tune me out and...