Deleted Scene, Three – Adrian

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post about connecting with readers, several have come forward to tell me how much they love Adrian but wished Louder Than Love had contained scenes from his point of view. I am happily able to report that there were a few takes from...

A Day in the Month in the Life

A day in the month in the life of a debut digital-first author: Wake up and check email for new Authorgraph requests. Giggle because it never gets old signing your name digitally, groan because it looks like your handwriting from second grade. Visit Amazon Author...

Deleted Scene, Two – Adrian

It’s a lazy, rainy Saturday morning here at Blogging on the Brink – a perfect time to cuddle up with Adrian Graves, my hero in Louder Than Love. As promised, here is another deleted scene from Adrian’s POV.  It takes place after the ‘dinner...

Book Hangover – is there a cure?

I love that readers have been commenting about Louder Than Love giving them a “book hangover” – that pillar of reference, Urban Dictionary, defines a book hangover as “When you’ve finished a book and you suddenly return to the real world,...