I was just cozying down under my electric blanket with a book the other night when a text came through. “Dude,” my friend wrote, “You got a nom! Swoon-Worthy Rocker category!” and shot me a web site link.

Rocker? Who me? No…while I’m tucked into bed at 10pm after a long day of writing, it’s my formerly-recluse rock guitarist, Adrian “Digger” Graves, who is working it 24/7. He’s the one kicking ass on stage and taking names, and winning over readers one at a time through my novel Louder Than Love.

And now he’s been nominated in the GraveTells Readers Choice Awards for “Most Swoon-Worthy Rock Star” in 2013! Go, Adrian!

Most Swoon-Worthy Rock Star Nominee

Most Swoon-Worthy Rock Star Nominee


Voting begins over at GraveTells Sunday, December 15, so please take a moment to cast your vote!

Adrian’s not your typical 20-something hotshot rock star with the groupies hanging by the backstage door. No, he’s been there, done that and worn the T-shirt many times over. He’s been burned, literally and figuratively, by the music business and bears the tats and scars to prove it. So where exactly does Swoon-Worthy come into play? What makes my brand of Rocker Swoon-Worthy?

Here are my top 5 reasons why Adrian Graves is Swoon-Worthy:

5) He can wear Armani with the same casualness of motorcycle boots.

4) The accent. Adrian is British – need I say more?

“Someone needs to get on building that cloning machine,” Liz murmured.

“I could close my eyes,” Karen said with a sigh, “and listen to that accent forever.”

3) He’s hella romantic. Kat’s a lucky lady!

“You’ll feed me grapes and read me poetry?” I whispered as we hugged long and tight.

“Darlin’, I’ll grow the grapes for you…and write the poetry.”

2) He can sell out Madison Square Garden, but can also play for the sippy-cup crowd at the local library. Kat’s friend Marissa says it best:

“There is something sexy about a man who can entertain your kid for hours.”

1) He wins the heart and trust of a five-year old girl who never knew her own dad. Abbey sums it up nicely in the poem she writes for him on Father’s Day:




I like him!

A dad


 What says “swoon-worthy” to you when it comes to rockers, whether on stage or in books? Do you have a particular memory of Adrian from Louder Than Love that won you over? I’d love to hear from you…and Adrian would love your vote!

Here’s one of my favorite Adrian quotes from the book – feel free to share yours in the comments!
